Monday, November 4, 2019

CS Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

CS - Coursework Example Chapter 1 of Neubauer and Fradella’s book examines the controversy in courts and crime that is brought about by change. The controversy in courts and crime is also atrributable to the extensive attention to law by the media. This extensive media attention on courts and crime has its merits and shortcomings. Neubauer and Fradella argue that, media coverage of fictitous and real trials offers a suggestions that the oucome of decisions in courts is influenced by people’s actions, law as it is-by the books-, and law in controversy (5). This clearly helps illustrate how dynamic courts and the criminal justice system is dynamic. This book offers a substantial argument that, the U.S criminal justice system is heavily dependent on the courts, which, arguably play a pivotal role. Court decisions, actions, and process affect or have important consequences on the other components-the police and corrections personnel-of the criminal justice system (8). Likewise, the actions and operations of the corrections department and law enforcement have important consequences on the judiciary. Despite this obvious i nterdependence of these compononents of the criminal justice system, Neubauer and Fradella, concede and argue that, conflicts and tensions exist. Reading Chapter 1 of America’s Courts and the Criminal Justice System, gives one a sense of how or what it is like to be an actor of the court-a prosecutor, juror, judge or a defense attorney. This makes it easy for a lay man to understand the process and role in brininging a case throught the court system. The approach by the authors of trying to illustrate fictious or dramatical court proceedings, as well as real court proceedings makes it easy for peopele to understand the criminal justice system from a common or popular perspective. Stepping into Chapter 2 of America’s Courts and the Criminal Justice System book helps the readers understand the key elements that define

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